
Showing posts from September, 2023

MetroE Drone and Ribbit Your Code

 Metro E Drone and Ribbit Your Code Metro Elementary Lesson Plan: Before: Have both WeDo 2.0 and Drone set up and ready with Chrome books at 4:20. Have blogs prepared to go. My partner and I created codes to show the students that show fun coding and has the drone and frog do interesting codes. Since we have 20 minutes with each group I will first go over the coding terms (in 5 minutes) starting with critical questions such as "Does anyone know what coding is?" "Where have you seen coding?" I will then go into detail on the definition of coding and the terms they will need to know for the activities.  Coding - the process of giving/creating a code to a computer that tells the computer instructions. Variables - allows the input to change while the code is in process.  Loop - allows the sequence to repeat. (what is a sequence?) Yaw - rotation around the vertical axis. (what is an axis?) Drone - My partner and I created three codes that we want the students to explore...

Isabella Soriano Drone Blocks Simulation Blog

  Isabella Soriano Drone Blocks Simulation Blog -Which specific simulation tutorials were the most interesting to you? The code that allows the drone to flip 5 times was most interesting to me. Using the loop at 5 and having the drone go forward, backward, left, right, and then landing was the most interesting code my partner and I did. -How did you try to alter the lines of code for what effects? I believe altering the loop by changing the number for the drone to repeat that many times. Altering how far the drone goes by altering the inches number. -What can you imagine for an engaging 5-10 minute simulator experience that encourages experimentation with lines of code?  Having the students create a code to spin 3 times would be a 5-10 minute simulator experience.  Vocabulary terms: Blocks - a structure of codes grouped together. Codes - a system created. Hover - code created to hover in a place. Loop - repeat.  Yaw - rotation around a virtual axis.  Variables -...

Ribbit Your Code Isabella Soriano

  Ribbit Your Code Activity Isabella Soriano & Kylee Ware Activity:  Connect Lego Frog to the WeDo 2.0 lab app on a laptop. Have the app already downloaded. My partner and I will introduce the vocabulary of the modes to use for coding. Forward                               Backwards                        Speed                                  Time (seconds) Pause/stop My partner and I will model the frog going forward one time through the coding on the app. My partner and I will model the frog going backward one time through the coding on the app.   The first task for the students is to make the frog go forward and stop (first code done student scaffolding by my partner and I) The second task is to make the...

We do it 2.0

  Isabella Soriano's Blog  Frog Metamorphosis  Today my partner Kylee and I chose our WeDo 2.0 which was Frog Metamorphosis for grades 1-5. Our WeDo 2.0 has 32 steps to create our WeDo 2.0. During the time we had we were able to complete the model. The model hopped like a frog would. After starting over once we were successful. This was my first time building a Lego and I am excited that we were able to finish before class was over. I learned I actually liked building it due to the instructions being images it was actually a smooth setup. I had a video and was not able to upload it due to me setting the video to load as a Word document and I do not know how to undo it so I will try on my other computer for my website.  ISTE 5.4.d. Create CS and CT learning environments that value and encourage varied viewpoints, student agency, creativity, engagement, joy, and fun.