MetroE Drone and Ribbit Your Code
Metro E Drone and Ribbit Your Code Metro Elementary Lesson Plan: Before: Have both WeDo 2.0 and Drone set up and ready with Chrome books at 4:20. Have blogs prepared to go. My partner and I created codes to show the students that show fun coding and has the drone and frog do interesting codes. Since we have 20 minutes with each group I will first go over the coding terms (in 5 minutes) starting with critical questions such as "Does anyone know what coding is?" "Where have you seen coding?" I will then go into detail on the definition of coding and the terms they will need to know for the activities. Coding - the process of giving/creating a code to a computer that tells the computer instructions. Variables - allows the input to change while the code is in process. Loop - allows the sequence to repeat. (what is a sequence?) Yaw - rotation around the vertical axis. (what is an axis?) Drone - My partner and I created three codes that we want the students to explore...