
Showing posts from October, 2023

10/31 Metro Final Blog

Lesson Plan for Metro Kinder: TEKS: K.13 C - identify and record the changes from seed, seedling, plant, flower, and fruit in a simple plant life cycle. ELAR - evaluate and provide thoughts on daily activities (through speaking and/or writing. Objective: The students will be able to identify the changes in the plant cycle. ISTE Standards: 3b: Apply effective teaching strategies to support student collaboration around computing, including pair programming, working in varying team roles, equitable workload distribution, and project management. Using Nearpod, Canva, and Flip provides students with support for collaborating around computing. During our mini lesson, students will collaborate using Nearpod to engage in the lesson. Using Canva and Flip students will demonstrate their learning experience over the plant life cycle. 3c: Plan collaboratively with other educators to create learning activities that cross disciplines to strengthen student understanding of CT and CS concepts and tra...

ICreate Exit Ticket

  Icreate Lab Idea one: Using the large format printer to create stickers of the plant cycle to give to students at the event. ($4.50 per sheet) Idea two: Using the cricket to create a poster of the plant cycle to represent one they will be drawing on canvas while incorporating my partner's history tek to create a timeline. (charged by time) (bring in own vinyl) 

MakerSpace Intro

  MakerSpace: TEKS: K.13 C - identify and record the changes from seed, seedling, plant, flower, and fruit in a simple plant life cycle. Objective: The students will identify the changes through the plant life cycle and create a plant cycle digital art. ISTE Standards: 1.d Develop resilience and perseverance when approaching CS and CT learning experiences, build comfort with ambiguity and open-ended problems, and see failure as an opportunity to learn and innovate. 3.a Model and learn with students how to formulate computational solutions to problems and how to give and receive actionable feedback. 3.c Plan collaboratively with other educators to create learning activities that cross disciplines to strengthen student understanding of CT and CS concepts, transfer application of knowledge in new contexts.  How ISTE Standards Met : This activity can't be done wrong and has the ability to erase so students are able to be comfortable exploring with Canva knowing they can always era...

Blog Makerspace

 Makerspace: Standards: 5th grade science - Investing the different organisms that would make up our gardening ecosystem (How will they interact with one another? Which are producers, consumers?  OZOBOTS Using Ozobots to design a maze for a pac-man to get through. Link to Ozobots: I picked this video game because it demonstrates the consumer which is pac-man eating nutrients/consuming nutrients. Award winner - "The Escape" Link to "The Escape": This video game shows the consumer consuming nutrients in a plant-based ecosystem. Materials : Chromebook